The toddler team is excited for your child to come and join the group, play, experience and learn with them in the Toddler Room! Each new day marks the beginning of a new adventure with activities that foster positive growth and development in a nurturing and safe environment and are paramount in these formative years. There are several other elements in the development process that include:
- Tender loving care (nurturing)
- Allowing children the time to be ‘observers’ before ‘participants’
- Offering encouragement when performing positively
- Freedom to repeat activities
Please be sure to provide your children with the following:
- A complete change of clothes (or two)
- Indoor and outdoor shoes
- Diapers, wipes and cream (if needed)
- Blanket and soft sleep toy for nap time
- Outdoor clothing conducive to weather conditions
- Tempra/Advil (we always call you before we administer)
At WCKK we use a learning tool called Procare. It is a great form of communication for parents that goes directly to the supervisor and your child’s educators. You will receive daily updates including a minimum of 2 photos a day with a recap of your child’s day, length of nap and lunch.
PLEASE ENSURE ALL ITEMS ARE CLEARLY LABELED WITH YOUR CHILD’s NAME. Toys/Sippy cups/bottles from home should be left at home. Except on Show & Tell days, personal items can be brought in. Any art work, receipts, Scholastic Book orders, etc. in the book or on your child’s clip on their cubby is to be brought home each day. We are always willing to discuss any concerns you may have at any time regarding your child. Please feel free to just ask or email the Program Supervisor who will pass the message on to us.